Sunday, July 28, 2024

SearchGPT's Example Results are Worse than Google

Only July 25th, 2024 OpenAI announced the SearchGPT prototype, and the twitter-sphere / threads-sphere reacted with "Search/Google is dead!"

I'm not so sure about that for a number of reasons, but OpenAI's own post demonstrates two

  • "Designed to give you an answer" is big promise that may be hard to uphold
  • Google is actually very good at producing useful results today
Read on 👇

I looked at their announcement closely and noticed that their queries produced the wrong results -- apologies for the fuzzy images, you can see them more clearly in my twitter post.

You might be generous and say the "and events" caveat makes the last 2 results okay, but those last two results are not specific events in August 2024. One is a concert series, the other is a venue. 

Further, in their Paris Olympics example their result ignores the second half of the question -- seems to get the source right though.

Google gets it right and presents the information more usefully as well.