What I'm Doing Now

I update this when the mood strikes. 

Last Updated: 03-05-2025

  • Reading Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600–1947
  • Continually testing out Grok vs. ChatGPT vs. Claude vs. Gemini
    • I'm long folks who use LLM products without abandoning their own critical thinking
    • Watching disruption (in the Clayton Christensen sense) take place is super super interesting. Google has all the tools to ride the AI wave, but can the org. get out of its own way?
  • Bought new crossfit shoes and excited! Strike Mvmt Haze Trainers. My Nano 9s finally crapped out.
  • Going to the dog park is one of the highlights of my day, what a joy.




  • Continuing to Chief of Staff
  • Off the meditation/journaling bandwagon (again)
  • Continuing to be into very long biographies -- usually this is followed by a long period of reading fiction/sci fi
  • Did the Crossfit Open for the first time a few months ago, very fun/silly
  • Loving analysis provided by Stratechery, Benedict Evans, and the like -- this is new for me as of a few months ago. I've been aware of Stratechery for years and I used to not find it interesting.
  • Repainting the porch 
  • Enjoying the recent series of F1 races where Max is actually challenged
  • Uninterested in the NBA finals because I'm a Celtics hater 



  • Experimenting  / building tools using LLMs with some friends
  • Running an LLM consultancy - Ascention 
  • Paying for Stratechery has been an incredible investment for me
  • On the road for the summer (Maine --> Vermont --> Wisconsin --> Wyoming --> ?)
  • Excited for a NOLS backpacking trip in late July 
  • Still off the meditation wagon...
  • I'm getting in a better habit of noticing when I have a strong reaction to something & capturing those thoughts on this blog. Inspired by Daring Fireball.
  • I typically read a theme (all Cormac McCarthy, SciFi, biographies) for many many months at a time. Right now I'm on something of a history/non-fiction kick and recently finished Upheaval and The Wager


  • Learning how to boulder; climbing ~3x/week
  • Working on my mobility using GoWod
  • Recently got back from a trip to visit friends in Mexico City
  • Still looking to talk with COOs to learn more about their jobs 
  • Fell off the meditation wagon
  • Recently finished read: "The Outsiders," and "Grant" -- it's striking how much suffering many of Chernow's subjects endured... 
  • Thinking about kicking up a Substack called "Ops in 5" to deliver Startup Operations Insights, Tactics, and Principles in a small, 5 minute read.
  • Golfer's elbow nearly totally fixed - back to doing pull-ups!


  • Living in Santa Rosa, CA
  • Playing lots of cribbage
  • Reading Grant by Ron Chernow & The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
  • Trying to decide between The Outsiders, Business Adventures, and From Startup to Grownup
  • Working on my mobility using the GoWod app
  • Nursing golfer's elbow due to lifting 
  • Fully back on the meditation wagon (remain hooked on Headspace)
  • Looking to advise early stage founders 
  • Looking to talk with COOs to learn more about their jobs 
  • Working to tighten up this blog a bit 
  • Enjoying incense (of all things...)



  • working for set protocol [still excited to be in crypto despite market turmoil]
  • moving out of Madison, WI apartment
  • traveling to Italy for a wedding and hiking the Alta Via 2
  • just finished "The Big Short" and looking for my next book to read
  • re-learning customer development
  • created an mvp career advice website to house resources we routinely revisit/share
  • seeking out & talking to crypto operations folks to learn what that means in different contexts; excited to learn from others and level-up my operations abilities 
  • continuously enjoying crossfit 
  • listening to Orville Peck's Bronco on repeat

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